E.O.T.C. – Day 3

Such a busy day! Can you answer the following questions?

1. What is the difference between a spider and an insect?

2. Can you state one interesting fact from the visit to the museum?

3. What was the best part of the day? Why?

4. Can you remember the name of 2 roses?

5. What type of plants were around during the dinosaur times?

Name 3 interesting facts about bees?

Name 3 interesting facts about bees?

Team 27!

Team 27!

Hard at work!

Hard at work!

Lunch time!

Lunch time!

Nick riding a horse!

Nick riding a horse!

Henry and his dad having fun!

Henry and his dad having fun!


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4 Responses to E.O.T.C. – Day 3

  1. maia says:

    I LOVE the phote

  2. maia says:

    I loved yesday

  3. amy says:

    yesday was awsome

  4. Toby says:

    I had so much fun

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