Monthly Archives: November 2013

Interactive Computer Simulations

Room 27 were lucky enough to work with Mr Woods and his team on an interactive computer simulation yesterday. Please explain to mum and dad what you did. Remember to mention the following – 1. The webcam. 2. The hand-held … Continue reading

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E.O.T.C. Day 5

What a wonderful week we have all had! It has been such fun working with you Room 27!  I would like you to please add to the BLOG by explaining what your favourite activity was and why it was so … Continue reading

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E.O.T.C. – Day 4

Another amazing E.O.T.C. day! Well done Room 27! 1. Describe the costume you made for ‘Wearable Arts’. 2. What did you do in the garden today? 3. Which activity have you enjoyed the most?

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E.O.T.C. – Day 3

Such a busy day! Can you answer the following questions? 1. What is the difference between a spider and an insect? 2. Can you state one interesting fact from the visit to the museum? 3. What was the best part … Continue reading

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E.O.T.C. – Day 2

What a creative and fun day we had today! Tell mum and dad about the three things we did today. What did we create for our school garden? What did you learn about colours?  Name five interesting facts about water.

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E.O.T.C. – Day 1

Look at the fun Room 27 had today! What did you learn about recycling today? What was the best part of your day? 

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E.O.T.C. – Garden and Recycling Week.

Room 27 is looking forward to our ‘Garden and Recycling’ E.O.T.C. week! Get ready for a fantastic week! Can you answer these questions?  1. What do you have to bring to school on Monday? 2. When are we going to … Continue reading

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Art Day – Room 27!

Look at this fantastic art completed by Room 27! 

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The Recorder

Room 27 has started to play the recorder! It really is fun! We have already learnt: 1. Left hand is in the top position. 2. Fingers should be at right angles to the recorder. 3. Blow gently saying  Do do … Continue reading

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Narrative Writing

Room 27 is now looking at narrative or story writing. We are starting to write our own original stories. Please explain the meaning of the following parts of a story. Please add your comments to the blog. 1. What is … Continue reading

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