Narrative Writing

Room 27 is now looking at narrative or story writing. We are starting to write our own original stories. Please explain the meaning of the following parts of a story. Please add your comments to the blog.

1. What is the importance of the setting to a story?

2. Who are the characters in a story?

3. Why must a good story have a problem? 

4. Why are adjectives so important to a good story?

5. Why will a simile help your narrative writing?

The Story Mountain.

The Story Mountain.

Read the following ideas to improve your narrative writing.

Narrative writing ideas.

Narrative writing ideas.



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4 Responses to Narrative Writing

  1. milanwithers says:

    The importance of a setting is to make the reader get a clear picture of where the story is set e.g you could say far away in a very hot desert or there he was sitting in the damp green grass.

    The characters in the story are very important because without characters the story would be very boring e.g if jack and the beanstalk had no characters it would just be boring athe story would have to be called the beanstalk

    The problem on the story is important because without a problem the story would be very repetitive bit with a problem it would hook the reader in and would be very interesting

    Adjectives are very important because they make the story detailed and less boring for instance: The rickety old chair sat on the purple deck, The shiny glass jar sat on the weatherboard.

    A simile is important because it gives even more detail to the story e.g instead of the daffodils were golden The daffodils were like a sea of golden waves.

  2. luckyeames says:

    Thank you for this detailed response! PLEASE keep our class blog!
    Mr Eames

  3. Jonty Milburn says:

    Settings are important because you can easily memorise the Picture in your head and then you’ll be wondering what it will be like if you were the character in the story.

    The characters are important because they can tell you that it would be boring if there was no detailed people in the story.

    The problem is mentioned in stories because it’s better with them in the stories. For example something like ‘ James was stuck in a ditch’!

    Mostly adjectives are put in stories because they actually detail things more clearly. For example ‘ my house is so sunny and shinny my eyes are nearly like mirrors getting reflected with sunlight’.

    Similes are responsible for stories because they give the imagination of detailing the this zoo is filled with huge camarlarging deadly animals.

  4. Rebecca Milburn says:

    Wow Jonty, you are so clever to know all that! Aunty Becs is very proud of you xx

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